Saturday, December 24, 2011

[Trans] BEAST Japan Official Fanclub Private Press (Kikwang Ver.)

Korean Translation Credits: 쵸쵸누나님
English Translation:
Special Interview – Kikwang

“Because we know each other so well, there’s nothing that we hide between the members.”

- Interviewer: There were a lot of events held in Japan in 2011. What left the strongest impression on you? Please also tell us the reason.
- KK: Even though we’ve been to Japan several occasions and events last year, personally United Cube that was held in Japan left the deepest impression on me. Was really worried that the seats would not be filled especially in such a large concert hall as the Budoukan, but the seats all sold out, so it was very fulfilling/happy and shocking such that it left an impression until now.

- Interviewer: What was the most surprising or shocking event that happened in Japan?
- KK: It wasn’t any happening (event) but when the taxi doors open and close automatically it was shocking. (laughs)

- Interviewer: You should have been to many places. Which place would you like to go to again, and what food would you like to eat again?
- KK: The place that I want to go again would be Tokyo Tower. The food I want to eat again is tuna sashimi!

- Interviewer: So what’s your impression of Japanese B2UTY? Their characteristic in one sentence?
- YS: Pretty! It will be possible to express in that one sentence (laughs) It is probably because (everyone) takes care of themselves thoroughly, that’s why?

- Interviewer: Having visited the Asian countries in July, is there any happening that left the deepest impression on you?
- KK: We visited each Asian country and each country we visited, had to take off the top layer of clothes. I made comparisons internally, as to which country had what kind of cheers when I took my clothes off, and which country had the loudest cheers. (laughs)

- Interviewer: I would think that you would have learnt the different languages of each Asian country respectively, so which country’s language was the toughest? And also tell us if you have any methods for learning languages.
- KK: The Malaysian language was the toughest. (It would be best) to speak to the foreigners confidently when you learn the language. I think you will be able to convey your thoughts and feelings as well as be able to pick up the language quickly.

- Interviewer: However, what do you do all the time on the planes?
- YS: I watch movies or listen to music. If the flight time is long, I would download movies in advance.

- Interviewer: Not only in Korea, but you guys live together even overseas. What’s the good point about this?
- KK: Just by being together, (I) will not be lonely.

- Interviewer: On the other hand, what’s tough? If there is any trouble (with living together with the members), please tell us.
- KK: Maybe because I’ve sensitive hearing, I wake at the slightest noise and can’t sleep deeply. (laughs bitterly) Because of that, it’s also inconvenient to live with the members. (laughs)

- Interviewer: Tell us a little about the members’ secrets that only Doojoon knows.
- KK: Secrets? None. No matter what we do, because we know so well, there’s nothing to hide.

- Interviewer: Then tell us a secret about yourself. For example a jinx?
- KK: This is probably not a jinx, but during a huge event/performance, (each) exerts mind control and work hard himself. There’s no special jinxing.

- Interviewer: What about Christmas memories, since Christmas is around the corner? What do you want to do during Christmas this year?
- KK: Sadly, there are no special memories of Christmas. For that reason and also from now, I want to make more special memories of Christmas. For starters, this year, I want to walk in the snow-covered roads as much as I feel like it.

- Interviewer: So, tell us what are your aspirations for 2012. Anything you’d like to try or do for activities in future?
- KK: Although many activities were done in 2011, I’d like to do more specialised acting next year. I want to try movies next, since I’ve already acted in sitcom and drama.

- Interviewer: Lastly, leave a message for Japanese B2UTY.
- KK: I want to have a concert in Japan in BEAST’s name and meet the fans. Will strive to work harder to give better performances so please give us lots of support!

Box Interview – What if ___?

- Interviewer: What if you had 1 week of break what would you do?
- KK: Partially because of my schedule, but I’ve chronic insomnia because I’m the type who cannot get to sleep once I get woken up from my sleep even if it is from a little bit of noise. So if I can rest, I want to be able to sleep as much as I can.

- Interviewer: What if there is a time machine, when would you like to go to?
- KK: Year 2021? I want to see myself 10 years later.

- Interviewer: What if you could exchange with a member, who would you like it to be?
- KK: Doojoon. I’m envious of Doojoon’s positive mind. It gives the feeling that everything can be done well from this moment because of the positive thoughts no matter what. And I want to be able to have his leadership skills, such that he is able to bring the team together due to his sense of responsibility.

- Interviewer: What if you could live as another famous person for a week or if you had a chance at another profession, who/what would it be?
- KK: Chris Brown. I’m envious of his dancing and singing abilities.

- Interviewer: What if you had the ability to move anywhere in the world in a split of a second, where would you like to go?
- KK: The seaside in Santa Monica. I’ve been there once, but I’ve been frequently thinking of it since. I would like to go there once more if I go on a holiday whenever.

- Interviewer: What if you were born in Japan, what would you be doing?
- KK: I’d probably be a student having fun during my school days.

- Interviewer: If you had 100 million won, what would you buy or where would you use it?
- KK: I want to buy a super car. It’s not simply just a car; it has to be a super car. Is it possible to get one just like in the movie “Transformer?” (laughs)

- Interviewer: What if you were a girl, what will be your occupation?
- KK: A successful business woman!

- Interviewer: What if you were an actor, what genre would you like to act in?
- KK: I want to try the stylish/cool dancer character role such as in the movie Step Up.

- Interviewer: What if you could go 10 years back in time, what would you like to grab?
- I want to practice dance and singing earlier/sooner. In addition to that, learn some composition (skills) and become a better musician.

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